Vertical Garden #1 -MADE TO ORDER

This vertical Garden is made from a 44 gallon drum that has been cut into three and welded to a steel frame. As you can see by the pics the veges absolutely love it. The seedlings were only planted about 4-5 weeks ago!
We can make designs like this, any size or configuration you want. This one was made so that each of my kids had a "garden" each. The 2y.o. got the bottom, the 5y.o. the middle, and the 10y.o. the top!
*the bottom shelf is a bit bare due to our 2y.o. repeatedly tearing out the plants ...fortunately she can't reach the top!

These planters are "made to order" and we can use different sized drums etc if you wish. To order a vertical garden like this, in the colour or design of your choice, simply email us at the address in the header image.

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